AmigaActive (148/2143)

Date:3 May 2000 at 10:10:49
Subject:Re: Someone just please please help!!!

Hi Kevin,

> My problem: the memory i plug in is not recognised, and the memory is fine

>> because I have tested it in another A1200 accelerator; a Viper V on
>> another desktop A1200. It is 60ns type, Fast Page and EDO; good
>> quality because it is working fine.
>> I plug it in via the Ateo Bus 150pin edge connector, and all that I get
>> is no memory; therefore no PPC, but CPU shows there is a 68040 there.
>> Whooop deeee whooop; a 68040 that can't even perform properly
>> because of NO fast RAM, and to top it off, I had a faster 68040
>> before... :///
>This is EXACTLY what was wrong with the PPC card donated to Wesley at my
>local Amiga group. And we fixed it.

Oooooooooooooooooh :) (First smiley in an e-mail since Monday that!)

>All you have to do is reflash the card (follow the instructions EXPLICITLY)

>and all should work fine and dandy again :-)

WooooooHooooooooooooo! :)) I shall indeed try that; and if it works, then I'm
going to be soooooo happy...

...esp. as Blizzard PPC 160/040-25 are now est. at £230 from Eyetech, gah! :)

/me races over to DCE's site.... :)

All the best,

All the best,


>Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 56332267, redver5 on AIM
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